Submission Guidelines

Abstracts may be submitted in English. Proposals for participation in the following modalities are welcome:

  • Papers
  • Posters


The abstract proposals text should only include:

  • Title
  • 750 to 1000 word summary
  • 5 bibliographic references (maximum)


Abstract Layout:

  • Title [font Times New Roman size 12, Bold]
  • Text [font name Times New Roman, size 12; justified Text; ] (1000 words max.)


Information related to (i) Name(s) of the author(s); (ii) Affiliation; (iii) 5 keywords (maximum) should be included only in the Author menu.


Oral presentations will last 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of discussion. In order to guarantee diversity, each author may submit a maximum of two proposals, only one of them as the first author.

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